Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I hold the mic like Yoda holds the saber

Year 7. These guys kick ass! This class is taught almostly completely in Samoan and has since become one of my greatest challenges and proudest accomplishments. I'm very proud of these kids.
Ryuta and Hoo
Izumi Miyazaki
I sleep with a robot.. so what?

You: Minneapolis - Capetown, South Africa - Buenos Aires - Satiago - Easter Island? Very envious. I hope the trade winds take you to the island of Upolu so you can show me the goldfish at lake Lonoto'o!
i'm going halo tipping, anger, same time next life,
i'll be like mass in time again watching the sunset channel,
breath control of a cricket.
oh right,
they're legs are the beards working out
the gondolee tugs on a grin and a couple of coins dance into his hat,
the sinking in, it's kind of like a checkbook,
but it tastes like an orange, and rhymes with nothing.

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