Thursday, October 09, 2008

it was the ducks

i could close my eyes and taste all of the sounds that come in from my window. they taste different late at night or early in the morning if you choose to look at it that way. i wake up to the sound of activity from inside that i can pinpoint without failure where in my building those sounds are coming from. i know when someone is in my house that doesn't live here because i can sense their being. they often startle me, as many things often startle me, and i lay in bed using my wild imagination of what could be going on outside my door. and then i fall asleep dreaming. last night i watched my conciousness slowly turn into dream state and just as Alice slowly descended into the rabbit hole and I watched as my logic and senseable train of thought drited slipped into illogic. and it worries me that this may be the extent of all that is meaningful to dreams. these thoughts are just residue from the day as my brain goes on power-save mode. but there is some meaning that can still be extracted. this meaning comes when we wake up and for a few minutes it is as if we are still dreaming. with every five minutes or so our recolection of this dream might as well have split in half until it is no more than a strange memory. however if we are careful and if we want it badly enough we can slowly slip back into our sleep without alarming the chemicals in our head thus causing damage to our dream that cannot be repaired. if this goes well we find ourselves back where we started with little to no difference from when we left off, or so it seems. Last week sometime I had this phenomenon twice as i found myself in the same dream three times however by the third time things just weren't the same. i was having a mystical dream about a person who i once saw the moon wink at and upon waking up i was overjoyed to have seen them again. it was as if i was right there in the sand with the moon blinking her eye at me and i can almost taste the sounds from the beach. after waking up the third and final time i began to think to myself that this was a very inspirational dream although i'm not sure how so. i stood up and stretched properly and with every pulling of each muscle i felt pieces of that dream being evenly dispersed throughout my body. i wanted to take this dream with me everywhere that day. it was however only a matter of time later that i became sad by this dream because of the great amount of time between this present day and the time the moon winked at us.

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