Wednesday, October 06, 2010

two-thirds of our planet is water.. we've been going about our travels all wrong

zion. i'm awake. the freezing cold shower i took this morning is not unlike the fresh start i've had to the next chapter of my life. this one is going to be really cool... time to get wet :) for now its going to take a great deal of focus, a skill i've painstakingly acquired after years of practice. its not that difficult, work hard for six months and dont spend money on bullshit. be good to the body and remain mindful at all times. i'm going to sinai next year and i need to prepare. i wear a big and contagious smile these days.

i've spoken many times of a calling from far away. what used to be a wind of change has now become a rising tide. god... i urge you my brethren and sisterly-folk to listen to those voices in your heads. listen to what speaks to you and pursue things that truly excite you. you will be rewarded greatly in ways that a monetary value cannot compare to. your smile will be contagious and the happiness you find will be worth so much more than a life of complacency.

randy lada, who is my single-serving mentor, once told me that we travel because we are trying to find ourselves. i added that we are first to lose ourselves and then to learn what we are capable of when we have nothing left.. perhaps its only then that we discover who we really are. please please please PLEASE take to traveling this world. its really effing big and full of surprises around every corner.. you never know what you will find! really though.. you never know what you will lose..

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