Sunday, August 15, 2010

we ride tonight.

when this man brings you into his yurt and his wife generously pours you endless drinks of horse milk wine, you drink it.... and you smile... and you ignore the seepy and chunky taste of death in your mouth while you sink into oblivion upon the craziest of places the gods have created. his wife will put thin slices of ugly meat in front of you and you will ignore your years of vegetarianism and smile. but its so nice.. its such a great feeling to be so far from home and wonder if you are any closer to where we all begin - community. the only reason our species has been able to exist in such vast growth is because of our abilities to work together. we are offered into the homes of strangers and we eat strange foods and ask questions about the strange things on the walls. but it is us who are the strangers. this is why we travel. we do this to find ourselves in the most foreign places known to us and we are swallowed up into a whole new way of living and loving. and i think of this when i am back home visiting the states. i think of the farmers i've met and the fishermen who, as we speak, are somewhere in the world living amongst their people in smiles.. yet i wander.. with no home.. no tribe.. only my thoughts and a few stories i want to share with the world. i'll find it someday, whatever it is i'm looking for.. until then i'll stare at the sun and burn my eyes on the horizon. we ride tonight.. into the abyss and into the nothingness of the desert.

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