Tuesday, April 03, 2012

get right again

i used to be a waiter. it was fun but it sucked but it was fun, if you know what i mean. it never felt like a step closer, just a padding in between the cracks. i used to love the customers. even if they were assholes they were still interesting. i used to like watching them when they were lost in conversation with the people at their tables. sometimes they were so happy to see each other and sometimes they just talked about their days and took a load off for a while. you could write a millions 'sometimes' about the different types of people.

it was a strange time in between and it all blurs together in the long run yet it had these moments of insight along the way. when you work somewhere you eventually get to know the people you work with and in a lovely way you end up hanging out with people you probably never would have in a different situation. i remember the single mothers and us college kids getting high with the mexicans from the kitchen as if we were old friends. our boss was always some asshole with plenty of terrible situations in his or her life and that makes for a lot of laughter in the back parking lot.

work is weird but always interesting.

i sprayed goose shit off boats for a long time. now i teach english. i bitch about it a lot it is what it is. people work like animals in turkey and i like being on the same page. i need a break though. i'm going to run away soon and get right again.

pray for mojo.

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